CooperVision Biomedics® Toric sets the bench mark for hydrogel Toric contact lenses, designed for people with astigmatism who are looking for monthly disposable contacts.
Biomedics Toric contain 55% water and are designed for exceptional comfort and clear crisp vision keeping your eyes moist and hydrated throughout the day, add to that CooperVisions Aberration Neutralizing System™ and chiselled edge for extremely stable vision when blinking, you can see why these contacts remain popular for people who have astigmatism and are looking to wear contact lenses.
With their advanced Toric design features, including the widest prism ballast, uniform horizontal ballast thickness for stability, and a smooth, consistent surface to reduce friction, that work together to create a high level of comfort and stability you can see why they are popular with Optometrist and astigmatic contact lens wearers.