Soflens 59 is a monthly disposable contact lens by Bausch & Lomb, it gets is name from is water content which is 59% and is available in both plus and minus powers, for people who are longsighted or shortsighted.
Soflens 59 are made using protein resistant material to provide clear vision with high comfort levels, and with 59% water content, you know your contacts are going to keep your eyes hydrated throughout the day.
With the use of Bausch and Lombs UniFit technology Soflens 59 is an ultra-thin contact lens that is comfortable from first insertion until removal.
The high water content, protein resistant material and ulta-thin design make Soflens 59 a great choice for contact lens wearers who experience dry eyes, many of our customers wouldn't wear anything else.
If you are looking for similar contacts to Soflens 38 that are more affordable check out Crystal Monthly. Crystal Monthly is a superior hydrogel monthly contact lens designed with advanced optics to maximize the wearer's vision, provide consistent comfortable wear, and handle well, with a 4.6 star review from our customers.
I have tried many different contact lenses and all of them was really poor quality. For example: Acuvue is comfortable to wear for 4 hours - then they go so dry that you have take them out or use some drops, they also split after 2 weeks of use due to being so thin. The new Biofinity is also so thin that it dries after few hours.
Bausch & Lomb Contact Lenses are thicker than others but if you use them constantly you will get use to them and you will find out that they are much more comfortable than any "advanced" thin lenses.
Soflens 59 does not dry out even after 10 hours of constant wearing but you have to use quality cleaner like Opti Free which is expensive but it keeps the lenses wet so they do not harm your eye after 4 hours.
I also tried Rossman brand contact lenses as well and I found out that they were the worst due becoming uncomfortable just after 2 hours.
I really love those Soflens 59 and I will stick to them probably for ever or until they change quality for worse.
I've been a fan of these lenses for many years - I love the flexibility of their products; daily, monthly lenses, etc. I'm not a regular wearer of lenses so daily and monthly lenses work brilliantly for me. Never had any problems with this brand; comfortable, easy to use, and a great price. I'd highly recommend!
went through two pairs within two weeks of receiving them- two had tiny tears causing irritation and the other two were just unbearable to wear either going dry, feeling uncomfortable, going blurry and making my eyes so sensitive to light that i couldn`t drive which is what im experiencing with the current pair hence im on the site buying more lenses two months too early! ive worn this brand for years and its only this year that theyve been like this. they were out of stock a few months ago so i had to buy a different brand and they were brilliant (proclear). Editors Note: Please speak to our customer service team who can replace a faulty lens.
Absolute bargain contact lenses but I'll be trying a different lense from now on, as these have seemed scratchy on my eyes, and I often have to take them out during the day and wear my glasses instead. Plus the thickness of the lenses seemed to be inconsistent - one eye seemed thicker than the other despite them being the same prescription lense from the same box?! x
I`ve recently had a check up at the optitions and they told me that the contact lenses I have been wearing are damaging my eyes. They do not let enough oxygen into eyes. These are the contacts I have been wearing. I clean them like I should. I have worn them the right amount of time.
I can put a new pair in and they will be fine for about 3 hours and then they will start getting dry and making my eyes blurry and unable to focus and VERY itchy! I would not recommend these at all!
Ive used this brand for over ayear now and alwys gav it the benefit of the doubt but ive had enough now they are really bad, dry up too quikly and are very irratant.gave me constant eye infection. i really need to find another suitable brand. i would not recommend these at all.
Having dabbled with contact lenses over the years, I gave up as too much hassle taking them out at night, wearing glasses to watch TV in bed, misplacing lenses or glasses etc but these have transformed my life. Once a month I pop them in (they are a tiny bit uncomfortable for about 30 seconds) and then I forget about them until the next month. I have had no trouble sleeping with them, swimming, showering etc. It`s like having laser surgery for a fraction of the cost. I can`t praise them enough!
You can`t wear these for too long.They dry out and you have to keep using the drops.They also stick to your eye making them painful to take out. I have been wearing contact lenses for over 20 years. Though they are cheaper than some of the other lenses,they aren`t worth it anyways. Spend the extra money and get a good quality pair of lenses.
Softlens [compared to Proclear] are absolute great! I thought that for the price, they`d be terrible but quite surprisingly, they are much better than proclear. I`ve worn them for long periods of time and even accidently slept in them, and woken up to find my eyes quite alright and not dry [although thoroughly not recommended to sleep in them].
In my opinion, their best feature is that they do a good job keeping your eyes hydrated and not drying them. Undoubtedly, they`re are much better contact lenses out there, but for the price, Softlens is a winner.
Was given these by a contact lens optician ages ago and bought some further pairs from this website as they are better value and very conveniently delivered fast to your own home.
First monthlys and probably the only monthlys i`ll ever try! I love them. They`re really comfortable and i`ve never had a problem with them like I have with my dailies!
I have been wearing contact lenses for about 4 years now. These are the best I have had so far. I think the quality is excellent, and the comfort lasts longer than most contact lenses. I am about to buy another 6 month batch. I would definitely recommend these!